WUI Workshop- Campo
Would you like to learn more about how to make your property more fire safe? The FSC's Fire Operations in the Wildland Urban Interface Workshop covers material such as fire behavior prediction, evacuation preparedness, home hardening tips, and defensible space guidelines. This workshop is instructed by experts in the field from agencies including CAL Fire, […]
FSC Coffee Chat
Join us on Zoom to hear FSCSDC updates, connect with other community fire safe councils, and hear a presentation from the Department of Insurance on their "Safer from Wildfire" framework. Time: Dec 8, 2022 10:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84013485273?pwd=aEUxZnZIZERWSGJVWkNTM3JJUTNUZz09 Meeting ID: 840 1348 5273 Passcode: 449939
WUI Workshop – Julian
Would you like to learn more about how to make your property more fire safe? The FSC’s Fire Operations in the Wildland Urban Interface Workshop covers material such as fire behavior prediction, evacuation preparedness, home hardening tips, and defensible space guidelines. This workshop is instructed by experts in the field from agencies including CAL Fire, […]
CWPP Workshop
Learn from experts from local fire districts, San Diego County Fire, and CAL FIRE, the importance of writing and updating your Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). During this workshop, we will brainstorm your community projects and learn how to utilize the San Diego County CWPP template. When: January 10th, 9:00am-12:00pm, 5560 Overland Ave, San Diego, […]
FSC General Meeting
Consider joining us for our upcoming FSC All Members Meeting on January 12th, 2022 from 10:30am-12:00pm. Hear reports from the FSCSDC, agency partners and other community fire safe councils, and a featured guest presenter. Time: 10:30am-12:00pm Location: Ramona Library - 1275 Main St, Ramona, CA 92065 Email morgan.graves@rcdsandiego.org with questions or to RSVP.
CWPP Workshop for Tribal Nations
Learn from experts from local fire districts, San Diego County Fire, and CAL FIRE, the importance of writing and updating your Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP). During this workshop, we will brainstorm your community projects and learn how to utilize the San Diego County CWPP template. This event is specific to tribal partners. When: January […]
Hand Pile Burning Fundamentals Webinar
Hand Pile Burning Fundamentals Webinar Workshop Winter can be a great time for pile burning brush and other woody fuels around your home. Learning how to construct and prepare hand piles takes skill and an understanding of safety and weather considerations to minimize the risk of escape. This two-part class will cover fundamental topics to […]
2023 Basic CERT Training
2023 Basic CERT Training Course: Topics from fire safety, disaster preparedness, rescue operations, and more are covered. Interested attendees must attend all three Saturday sessions from 8:00am-5:00pm to graduate from the training. To register, contact Teresa Greenhalgh at 619-857-8050 or teresa.greenhalgh@sdcounty.ca.gov
FSC Coffee Chat
Join us on Zoom to hear FSCSDC updates, connect with other community fire safe councils, and hear a presentation from the Department of Insurance on their “Safer from Wildfire” framework. Link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87152623494?pwd=ejJob2U2UUlqdkQ1L2ZuV3FPeE5rdz09 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87152623494?pwd=ejJob2U2UUlqdkQ1L2ZuV3FPeE5rdz09
2023 Basic CERT Training Session #2
2023 Basic CERT Training Course: Topics from fire safety, disaster preparedness, rescue operations, and more are covered. Interested attendees must attend all three Saturday sessions from 8:00am-5:00pm to graduate from the training. To register, contact Teresa Greenhalgh at 619-857-8050 or teresa.greenhalgh@sdcounty.ca.gov