by firesafe_admin | Dec 20, 2023 | Uncategorized
The RCD of Greater San Diego County’s Regional Forest and Fire Capacity (RFFC) Program in partnership with the Southern California Montane Forest Conservation Strategy, hosted a Strategy, Vulnerabilities, and Priorities Workshop at the Santa Ysabel Nature Center. The...
by firesafe_admin | Nov 30, 2023 | Uncategorized
Held at the San Diego Natural History Museum, the Climate Science Alliance hosted their 2023 San Diego Climate Summit promoting a dialogue centered on “transformational climate adaptation”. The RCD of Greater San Diego County was fortunate to be invited to this...
by firesafe_admin | Oct 30, 2023 | Uncategorized
The 30×30 Partnership 2023 Gathering The 30×30 Partnership 2023 Gathering was an inspiring two-day event, hosted by the California Natural Resource Agency and the California Biodiversity Network. The goal of Executive Order N-82-20, also known as...
by firesafe_admin | Oct 4, 2023 | Uncategorized
According to GrizzlyCorps, an Americorps program’s website, GrizzlyCorps is an AmeriCorps fellowship launched in 2020 designed by Project Climate at UC Berkely’s Center for Law, Energy & Environmental in partnership with CaliforniaVolunteers. The program sends...
by firesafe_admin | Aug 11, 2023 | Uncategorized
Follow along the RCD team as we head out on a field day with our partners at the La Jolla Band of Luiseno Indians! The La Jolla campground, and surrounding communities, have been devastated by the Goldspotted Oak Borer Beetle (GSOB). GSOB is an invasive pest that...
by firesafe_admin | May 31, 2023 | Uncategorized
Today, the Fire Safe Council of San Diego County honored the exceptional volunteers and agency partners who work to keep our County safer from wildfire. Over 100 individuals turned out today to celebrate the amazing work that took place this year, and celebrate grant...