About the Fire Safe Council of San Diego County
The Fire Safe Council of San Diego County helps residents protect their families and homes from wildfire. Through our programs and services we foster fire prevention and safety throughout the county, while encouraging community involvement. Learn what you can do before, during, and after a wildfire to stay fire safe and fire wise.
The RCD Leads Tours for the AFA + NACD Sustainability Institute
Last month, the Resource Conservation District and Fire Safe Council of San Diego County hosted students attending the Agricultural Future of America (AFA) + National Associations of Conservation Districts (NACD) Sustainability Institute conference on a series of...
Assisting Our Partners at the Volcan Mountain Foundation
The Resource Conservation District of Greater San Diego has recently aided our partners at the Volcan Mountain Foundation in “cutting the green tape”, helping in the effort to secure funding and CEQA concurrence for the foundation’s Forest Habitat Resilience Project....
Our New Home Assessment Program Starts This Month!
The Forestry and Fire prevention team, at the RCD of Greater San Diego County are pleased to announce the start of our new Home Assessment Program. Beginning on January 22nd, 2024, the program will be offering a free educational home assessment with resources on home...