2023 Basic CERT Training
2023 Basic CERT Training Course: Topics from fire safety, disaster preparedness, rescue operations, and more are covered. Interested attendees must attend all three Saturday sessions from 8:00am-5:00pm to graduate from the training. To register, contact Teresa Greenhalgh at 619-857-8050 or teresa.greenhalgh@sdcounty.ca.gov
FSC Coffee Chat
Join us on Zoom to hear FSCSDC updates, connect with other community fire safe councils, and hear a presentation from the Department of Insurance on their “Safer from Wildfire” framework. Link here: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87152623494?pwd=ejJob2U2UUlqdkQ1L2ZuV3FPeE5rdz09 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87152623494?pwd=ejJob2U2UUlqdkQ1L2ZuV3FPeE5rdz09
2023 Basic CERT Training Session #2
2023 Basic CERT Training Course: Topics from fire safety, disaster preparedness, rescue operations, and more are covered. Interested attendees must attend all three Saturday sessions from 8:00am-5:00pm to graduate from the training. To register, contact Teresa Greenhalgh at 619-857-8050 or teresa.greenhalgh@sdcounty.ca.gov
2023 Basic CERT Training Session #3
2023 Basic CERT Training Course: Topics from fire safety, disaster preparedness, rescue operations, and more are covered. Interested attendees must attend all three Saturday sessions from 8:00am-5:00pm to graduate from the training. To register, contact Teresa Greenhalgh at 619-857-8050 or teresa.greenhalgh@sdcounty.ca.gov
Fire Safe Council General Meeting
Heartland Fire Training Center 1301 N. Marshall Ave., El Cajon, United StatesThe FSCSDC will be hosting its monthly General Membership Meeting on March 9th from 10:30-12:00pm. This meeting will take place in person at the Heartland Fire Training Center. Joan Jones, Executive Director of San Diego Regional Fire Foundation, will present on the 2023 SAFE Grant Program for fire safe councils.
Last Chance Survival Simulation Workshop – Julian
Register here: https://resourceconserverationdistrict.formstack.com/forms/julian_lcssw_copy
FSC Coffee Chat
Join us for our bimonthly "Coffee Chat" meeting this Thursday the 13th at 10:30am! Julie from Coastal Canyon FSC will be joining us to distribute some items from her recently dissolved FSC. We're sad to see her go, but excited that her FSC items are going to find new homes! We also have important announcements […]
Last Chance Survival Simulation Workshop – Deer Springs
Register here: https://resourceconserverationdistrict.formstack.com/forms/deersprings_lcssw
Julian Fire Extinguisher Training
Join Julian FSC and CERT for a free fire extinguisher training! Register here: https://www.bc-ct.org/jfsc