Forest Tree Mortality EQIP Fund Pool
The purpose of the Forest Tree Mortality EQIP Fund Pool is to provide immediate resource protection in drought-affected conifer forestlands where elevated levels of forest insect tree mortality has occurred or where forest insects are an imminent threat to forestlands. Priority resource concerns for the Forest Tree Mortality EQIP Fund Pool necessitating immediate management of dead and dying conifer trees include fire hazards resulting from dead tree debris fuel loads; pest control to reduce spread of insect mortality; and degraded, understocked forest conditions resulting from the insect damage and loss of forest trees.
The immediate consequence of tree mortality on California forestlands is the potential for increased wildfires, further spread of forest insect tree damage, threats to critical public safety infrastructure from falling trees, reduced forest carbon stocks, loss of commercial timber values to landowners, and diminished forestland benefits such as wildlife habitat and aesthetics.
Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 EQIP Financial Assistance
NRCS accepts EQIP applications year-round, but establishes cutoff dates make funding selections for eligible, screened, and ranked applications.
To be ready for EQIP funding consideration, interested applicants will need to:
- (1) Develop a conservation plan, (2) Submit an application, (3) Meet program eligibility requirements, and (4) Approve their ‘EQIP schedule of operations’.
- The time needed to complete a conservation plan and process eligibility can vary, from a few weeks to more than a month, depending on the complexity of the farming operation.
The cutoff dates to consider eligible, screened and ranked applications for funding are:
December 11, 2018 (Catastrophic Fire Recovery Fund Pool ONLY)
January 19, 2018
- April 6, 2018
- Jun 22, 2018
For more information please view the two page flier below.
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